

  1. Oliver was a gentle sweet pet. He loved unconditionally and always loved to snuggle and be with the rest of his family. He never complained or asked for anything yet appreciated everything he got. He was the perfect pet. He was loved by many and will be missed deeply. He is now home with us where he belongs and will never be forgotten. I’m greatful to Jason and Rainbow’s End for his compassion and the service he provides to all of us that feel their beloved pet is a family member. Good bye my sweet Ollie I love you and will miss you a lot. Thank you for all the years we had together and the love and joy you brought into my life. Mom

  2. Oliver was a sweet and gentle pet. He loved unconditionally and never complained made noise or asked for anything yet appreciated everything you did for him he was the perfect pet. His smile in the picture is because he saw the bright green bag of dragon gel being opened that was his favorite. He loved to snuggle and be with the rest of his family. He was lovable and had a great personality all his own. He is loved and will be missed deeply. Thank you my sweet Ollie for all the years of love and joy you brought to us. I’m greatful to Jason and Rainbow’s end for his compassion and the service to all of us that feel their pets are family members. He is now home with us where he belongs and we can have and remember him for ever. Goodbye my sweet Ollie I love you and miss you. Mom

  3. I’ll miss you Ollie 💔

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